Speed and Comfort Org


+1 (264) xxx-xxxx



Why we started?

In December 2021, we completed the First Annual Raffle, where we raised over $2,000 to help repair some of the damages incurred by the boat collision accident in August of 2021. The drawing was recorded and reported live by KLASS FM, a popular local radio station in Anguilla.

The winners of the First Annual Raffle were: 

Last race in August of 2021

The Speed & Comfort boat needs new sails to be ready for the next set of races beginning in 2022. During the last race in August of 2021, the Speed & Comfort was part of a racing accident that caused another boat to rip the sails and jib. Over the years, such repairs have been borne by the owners. Still, due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, it has become more challenging for the local owners to continue the boat’s maintenance since many local businesses are still closed.

Rebuilding the Speed & Comfort

We are in the process of rebuilding the Speed & Comfort and are having a variety of events to raise the funds needed for this endeavor. You can help us by clicking on the Donate link above and making a generous donation.